Job opening for Social Media Intern

Author’s Channel is pleased to announce openings for internships and full-time positions. Applicants from any and all streams are invited to apply.

To apply for any of the below listed positions, applicants should submit a resume with relevant work and educational experiences and portfolios (wherever applicable) to Aruna Naidu at All applicants must state the name of the position in the subject line of the email.

The application deadline is Wednesday, April 21st at 12pm.

Job Title: Social Media Intern
Department: Marketing & PR Department, Author’s Channel

The social media intern will be responsible for engaging readers and authors on a regular basis, and building the brand image of Author’s Channel. With further training, the intern will slowly handle social media accounts and author pages for new and existing authors at Author’s Channel. The intern will also have the opportunity to become involved in other activities like marketing and promotion campaigns. This is a three-month long internship, which can result in a full-time offer based on performance metrics.

Skills Required:
Social Media (Intermediate-Advanced knowledge) SEO, Analytics (Basic-Intermediate knowledge)

Type of Student desired: Any (with relevant experience)
Documents Needed: Email Resume & Portfolio* to Aruna Naidu (

*Portfolio can be a PDF file with your work samples or your social media handles, if you post most of your work online.

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